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March 11th, 2022
Blog 3
Learn about egg freezing & endometriosis event with Dr. Meir Olcha and CIGC’s Dr. Paul MacKoul!
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this in-depth introduction to egg freezing and endometriosis at SOYO will cover:
- What is egg freezing?
- What is endometriosis and how it affects fertility?
- What is needle-free egg freezing?
- How is egg freezing done?
- How to choose the right ivf center for your egg freezing?
- How many eggs do i need?
- How much does egg freezing cost?
- What should i know before doing egg freezing?
- You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions during the q&a portion of the event.
SEATS ARE LIMITED so please book your ticket TODAY!
This event is FREE and perfect for you and a friend to attend. Enjoy a complimentary fine wine tasting as a courtesy from our director’s private collection.